On the Fridays in Lent beginning on March 7th and each Friday through April 11th at 12:10 p.m. you are invited to gather in the church. We will walk through the Stations of the Cross and offer reflections and insights.
On the Sundays in Lent beginning March 9th through April 6th following the 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, we will have Lenten Healthy Lunches followed by the Lenten Program which will begin at 11:45 a.m.
This year, I hope that we as individuals and as a congregation as a whole will become healthier in our expectations of ourselves and one another, so that we may have an abundant life full of growth and adventure. I am hoping that our Lenten program will stir in us a new awareness for how each of us is called to be a leader in some situations, and how each of us can make a difference at least in our own lives and in the lives of the people we are connected.
The program will be based on the book,” A Failure of Nerve, Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix,” by Edwin H. Friedman. This program will present how family systems theory may help you in making healthier choices in your life, choices that will help you to grow and mature as well as your families and organizations in which you participate. We will be learning about why this is important, the basic methods and concepts of family systems theory, as well as understanding our societal context as explained by Friedman, the emotional barriers which prevent individuals and organizations from maturing, and an examination of how we can develop ourselves as self-differentiated leaders.
March 16: Signs of an emotionally immature social order, and the emotional barriers keeping people from acting to improve their lives
Session 2: Part 1
Session 2: Part 2
March 23: Contemporary emotional barriers, parts 1, 2 and 3.
Session 3: March 23, 2014, Part 1
Session 3: March 23, 2014 Part 2
Session 3: March 23, 2014, Part 3
March 30: Self-differentiated leadership as a key to healthy relationships
April 6: Emotional Triangles and Sabotage when we make healthy self-differentiated decisions