The Season of Epiphany
We are now in the Season of Epiphany. You will notice the vestments and altar hangings are white, and they will be white next week when we commemorate the baptism of Our Lord. Then we will change the color back to green, for ordinary time for January 19-26, and back to white for the Feast of the Presentation on February 2. We will continue with green until Ash Wednesday on March 5. The feast of the Epiphany commemorates the revelation of the divinity of Jesus to the Magi, and at his baptism. It is also the proclamation of the spreading of the Good News of the coming of Christ for the Gentiles. It is a time for us as a Church to celebrate the light of Christ shining in the world, and the good news of restoration and transformation that he brings.

St. Ambrose Community Seniors Group
Would you like to become a founding member of the St. Ambrose Senior Group? If you are over 55 and want to stay active, connect with peers, explore learning opportunities, and have new experiences, then this is the group for you. We’ll share interests and goals at our first meeting at St. Ambrose Episcopal Church on Thursday, January 16 at 12 noon. Lunch will be provided. Bring your ideas. Please rsvp to Nilda Chong

Dorothy Matsuo
Dorothy Matuso is recovering well and is now back in her home! Phone calls and cards are welcomed and appreciated. Please continue to keep her and the Matsuo family in your prayers.

Parish Annual Meeting-February 2
The St. Ambrose Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 2 following the 10:00 worship service. All are invited as we celebrate our shared ministry over the past year, learn of our budget plans, and listen to our leaders reflect on their hopes and dreams for the coming year. The meeting will be followed with lunch in the Parish Hall. All are welcome!

2025 Stewardship Campaign
If you missed our Stewardship Ingathering on 11/24, it is not too late to submit a pledge of your time, talent, and treasure for 2025. You can mail in or bring in the pledge card you were sent, or if you did not receive one, there are extra ones in the Narthex. Thanks to those who have already pledged. We give thanks for God’s abundance in our midst! ! If you would like to use 2025 pledge envelopes, please contact the office

Epiphany Adult Formation Class
Mother Rebecca will be offering a course on the Christian faith as expressed by the Episcopal Church. We will be using the excellent book, Walk in Love–Episcopal Beliefs and Practices, by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe. In this class we will reflect upon church teachings regarding the Scripture, the sacraments, the marking of time, salvation, grace, and how we can grow as disciples as we seek to live out the Gospel in the world. We would like to offer the class in person, starting the week of January 19, and running through March 2. The sign up sheet is in the Narthex, on the bulletin board. The book will be provided to participants. This course is for everyone who wants to grow and deepen in faith and practice. If you have any questions, please contact. Mother Rebecca.

Questionable Text/Emails
There is a text and scam email that is circulating, signed Rev. Rebecca Goldberg, which requests a copy of the Church directory. Please delete it. None of the St. Ambrose or Sea Breeze staff will send you an email asking you to divulge personal information, or contribute funds to a questionable cause. Please let Mother Rebecca know if you have any questions.

Mother Rebecca’s office hours
Starting July 1st, Mother Rebecca will be in her office on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:30-4:30. She can be reached during office hours at 650-574-1369. If you have a pastoral emergency, please call 650 291-5289

Coffee Hour
Join us for Coffee Hour after mass at 11:00 am in the parish hall. Coffee hour will be hosted by the Vestry on the first Sunday of the month. Please volunteer for the other weeks by using the link below or by the signup sheet in the Narthex by the Reflections & Gratitude Board:                                           Sign UpGenius

Sunday School 10 AM
Sunday school is at 10:00am every week Please contact Raphael Gerber

Worship Leaders Needed
Please sign up as a Lector for our 10:00* am Mass by emailing or the Church signup sheet. We also need Worship Leader volunteers for our 10:00 am Mass. There are openings for Intercessors, Lectors, Greeters, Ushers and Acolytes, and Livestream Technicians.  Contact us at   or use the following link to signup: Signup Genius or Click on the following link

Prayer Support Group
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday after the service at 11:30am, we will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall to have a prayer meeting.  Please join us any time as you are able.  For questions, please contact Daniel Tate at 650-799-7084, or

​​Contemplative Meditation
Every Wednesday 10am-11am we meet for Contemplative Meditation on Zoom. We read a variety of authors. We have read Jimmy Carter’s book ‘Faith’; a couple of prayers from Jean-Pierre Isbouts ‘Ten Prayers That Have Changed The World’.  We are currently reading David Brooks’ ‘How to Know a Person…’
If interested, please contact Hamilton Fong.
Please send an email to Hamilton Fong ( or to Nilda Chong ( if you wish to be included in the Zoom invitation.

Bible Study
Every Tuesday at 1:00pm, we meet for Bible Study on Zoom and discuss the Scriptures for the upcoming Sunday Service. Join us! For questions, please contact Daniel Tate at 650-799-7084, or or Warren Wong at

Weekly Calendar

​Helpful instructions on how to join a Zoom call
We have heard from some of our clergy that parishioners are having a hard time logging onto Zoom calls. Below please find clear, hopefully easy instructions on how to join a zoom call. Feel free to share with your parishioners. For more thorough instructions, click here.How to join Zoom by computer

  • Make sure all other programs on your computer that uses your camera are closed first (ex: Facetime, Skype, etc.)
  • Have a headset available if possible to minimize feedback – your cellphone earbuds will work well.
  • Click the Zoom link that’s been sent to you in an email, and Zoom should automatically and quickly download to your computer.
  • In Downloads on your computer, click Zoom_launcher.exe.
  • Once Zoom has launched, a screen should pop up asking for your name. This will identify you during the meeting.
  • You should now be part of the meeting. Click the green button that says “Join Audio By Computer”.

Join by tablet or smartphone

  • If you choose to use your tablet or smartphone, be sure to download the Zoom app ahead of time.
  • Once you have downloaded the Zoom app, follow the “Join by computer” instructions above.

Join by telephone

  • First, dial the phone number provided in the Zoom email.

When prompted, dial the meeting ID number that is also provided.

For DioBytes Archive

Please click on the link above for past issues of the DioBytes for Weekly News from the Episcopal Diocese of California


HIP Housing is a Non-Profit Organization in San Mateo County:

The purpose of this non-profit is to connect people with extra living space in their homes with people who are looking for a room to rent. A flier about HIP Housing is posted in the Parish Hall on the Community News Bulletin Board. ​ To contact HIP Housing call 650-348-6660. To schedule an appointment to discuss home sharing opportunities or other available affordable housing visit ​​. On this website you will also find information about Rooms For Rent Providers and Rooms for Rent Seekers.